NOT just another bear sighting.


As I headed out for my run early this morning I found the two cars on either side of ours in the Paradise Condos parking lot had a door open.  In both cases it was the front door on the side facing our vehicle.  Our car doors were locked.  The doors on those two cars obviously were not.   I thought this odd but knowing our neighbors had left a door open in the past figured it to just be a strange coincidence.


Now, good reader, having seen the title of this short story, I’m sure you are thinking “what a dimwit” as the reason for the open doors is actually pretty obvious.  I will defend myself though by saying it was early morning and my run around the golf course loop was waiting.  As such with my still awakening mind on other things (like the hills that lay ahead) I just walked past the cars and headed out.


The air was fresh and cool as I started up Inferno Road from the Sugarbush parking lot and the climb got me going both mentally and physically.  By the top of the hill I was in full stride and was soon running comfortably downhill.  Left on West Hill and then a half mile or so later left onto Golf Course Road.


Those of you that go this way know that once you are past the golf course clubhouse there is a steep drop in the road down to the the 17th tee.  From there it is a couple short, steep climbs back up out of that hollow to where the road flattens out a bit before heading towards the Access Road. 


I had just topped that second rise when I saw up in front of me, parked facing me, on the right side of the road, with the open passenger window facing the center of the road, what looked to be a septic tank pumping truck.  While in retrospect I suppose this might have been an oil delivery truck (you’ll soon see why my attention was elsewhere) I think my first reaction is by far the more interesting so will stick with that. 


Part way between the point where the septic truck first came into view, and the truck’s location, there was a driveway on the right.  A fellow had just pulled his pickup into that driveway and we nodded good morning at each other as I ran by.  It was about 50’ further up the road, while still about 20’ from the septic pumper, that I caught a flash of movement at its passenger window.


I’d like to say that a nice young man was leaning out the window to tell me good morning. Or that a big black, well groomed Newfoundland dog was riding shotgun and about to bark a morning greeting.  (Years ago while on a run on German Flats Road I actually saw a mama bear with three cubs cross the road a good ways ahead of me and my initial reaction was Newfoundland as I saw the first cub.)    Unfortunately those possibilities were not the case.  Instead a large, nearly full grown black bear came flying Superman style right out that passenger window.  He (I’m assuming it was a he) landed firmly on all fours that very short 20’ in front of me and pointed himself precisely in my direction. 


Whoa !!!!  was all I could manage as I came skidding to a stop. 


Side note:  I’m old.  When it comes to running I’m not, and never was, very fast.  In fact one of my favorite comments is, in a somewhat Yogi Berra’esqe manner, “I’m no longer as fast as I never was.”  But I genuinely believe that if you were to go and closely examine the pavement where this took place you will find a pair of white New Balance running shoe sole skid marks on the road.


I will say that it didn’t take very many fractions of a second to come to my senses and start slowly backing up with my arms over my head while yelling “Go Away Bear” or something similar somewhat less polite.  At first this didn’t seem to be working as the bear took a few short steps in my direction.  Finally though it stopped, gave me one good last look, and headed around the front of the truck and into the woods.


Whew !!


By now I’d worked my way, while still walking backwards, all the way back to the pickup truck driveway.  The fellow I’d greeted moments before was coming down to the road to see what had happened.  He immediately asked if I was okay and I said “Yes, but there had been a bear driving the septic truck !!!”


“Ahh” he said, “so that’s why my car door was open when I came out this morning.”


So, as most of you likely knew right from the start, we have a bear in the area that knows how to open car doors.   That’s what the fellow in the driveway was saying and why my neighbor’s car doors back in the Paradise parking lot were open as well.


So, everyone, this little morning drama ended well.  The bear was still visible in the distance, far enough off the road that I could safely continue the run without having to reverse direction and repeat those wickedly steep hills.  I finished the loop and got back to the condo in one piece.  I can imagine a number of scenarios though where the outcome could have led to something other than a humorous story.  If that 20’ distance from the bear had been somewhat less I might have needed more than just a few band aids or perhaps a clean pair of running shorts. I have no doubt that the bear was well aware of my approaching presence long before he did his little gymnastics leap.  That is their nature.  But it is not my nature to be quite so aware.  I was lucky this morning and am grateful for being able to joke about it now.


So in conclusion I would ask all who read this to please “bear” in mind the presence of bears when leaving your vehicles.  We regularly hear stories of bears trashing cars they’ve gotten into.  While that is bad enough it could get a good deal uglier if someone were to absentmindedly open a car door to find a bear trapped inside.  As my wife commented a few minutes ago the advent of bear proof dumpster lids likely has the side effect of sending bears looking elsewhere.  As they become more experienced with the alternatives unlocked car doors become an open invitation.