An Introduction to CNC Routers for the Small Shop


By B.H. Davis


Purchasing your first CNC router for a small shop operation can be a daunting task. There are a wide range of machine types, sizes, manufacturers and technical details from which to choose, and it quickly becomes necessary to narrow this field down to the specific class of machine that will match your needs. Once that is accomplished you can begin to compare features and details available from different manufacturers. Whereas there has been a lot written about what a CNC router will do for a small to medium sized woodworking business, there is less to be found in the way of technical information describing the basic design of these machines. Hopefully this article will help fill that void and get you off on solid footing.


To begin, there are numerous skills required to run CNC a router, some of which you may already have and others which will be new to you. Software, machine types, parts hold down, sophisticated tooling and dust collection are just some of the subjects with which you will have to contend.


A good starting place is to talk with current CNC owners, visit their shops, participate in online forums, and read everything you can get your hands on. If you invest some time to learn prior to visiting dealers, your time with them will be more productive.



CNC stands for computer numeric control, with the emphasis on “computer”. The more familiar you are with computers and the required software packages the easier it will be to make the transition to CNC. 


Unfortunately, there is not just one software program that you will have to learn, but rather three: CAD (computer-aided drawing); CAM (computer-aided machining) or G-code generation; and the software control package that actually moves the router around. I find it more comfortable to use the CAD and CAM software at my desktop computer, and use the router computer for running the control software exclusively, but others like to do everything right at CNC control computer. If you end up using two separate computers, you can transfer files from one to the other by CDs, flash drives, floppy disks, or a network connection.


There are many CAD programs available; the most widely known are AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT. Some CAM (G-code) programs include drawing tools so you might be able to combine both CAD and CAM capabilities with one program. You can typically spend between $100 and $3,000 for drawing software, with the more expensive packages having capabilities probably not needed in general day-to-day CNC use. A comfortable startup price range is $500 to $1,000.


As you examine CAD packages try to get a feel for their ease of use and the efficiency with which they operate. A good drawing program should allow you to draw most of your parts with about 10 to 15 basic commands. As you get better at drawing you will learn additional drawing aids that can make your work faster and easier, but initially you should start to understand how the program works in just a few hours. You are not going to do any complex drawings after such a short introduction but you should be able to create simple lines and arcs and begin to see how they connect together. This will probably be the most difficult of the three software packages to learn. Once you have a good handle on it the others should come along somewhat easier.


Next you have to be able to generate router bit tool paths for the lines and arcs you drew in your CAD program.  For example, if you draw a square tabletop, you will want to tell your CNC router to cut around the edges of that square. This is where the CAM package comes in. It generates G-code, the instructions that tell the router where to go.  This code can be read by most CNC routers, but you have to make sure the CAM software you buy has drivers for your machine. The product you purchase will be dictated as much by what you are cutting as by cost. Costs vary widely, but a mid-range price is $1,000 to $1,500. In general, you’ll get more coding power for more money.


Once the G-code has been created, the router control program takes over. It should be included with your CNC machine, so there probably won’t be any additional cost, but you will have to learn how to use it. The control program reads the G-code generated by the CAM software as text files. Once you have some experience with your machine, you will be able to edit these files right at the router to tweak how parts get cut.


There are programs that allow you to draw floor plans, design cabinets, create and print color 3D views, build parts lists and generate code all in one package. However, with one exception, these can cost $10,000 or more. The exception is Thermwood’s free eCabinets Systems software, which can be used by anyone but can only output code to the company’s own CNC routers.



The Router

Routers come in a wide range of types and sizes, from small table top models to vertical machines that lean up against a wall to the more commonly seen 4x8 and larger free standing machines. You need to consider the materials you will be cutting and the available shop space in order to determine the size and orientation of the machine that is best for you. As you look into this you also need to remember that a clear space is needed around the machine for material handling.


Table size is a key issue, and while 4x8 sheets may be your most commonly cut material, you should consider the possibility of occasionally cutting larger parts.  Many machines come with 5x10 tables for just this reason.  Further, if you are purchasing a router primarily for small parts processing, then a 2x4 or 4x4 table top model might be adequate for your needs.  Some machines even come with dual tables so you can be cutting on one while loading material on the other.



There are two basic machine categories: CNC routers and point-to-points.


CNC routers typically have flat table surfaces upon which to place the material and parts are held down by one of several methods I’ll discuss below. You can also set up to process panel edges on these but that is more involved than on a point-to-point.


Point-to-points are similar to CNC routers, but rather than a flat table surface there are a series of rails with adjustable vacuum pods attached. These machines are particularly useful for processing the edges of parts, such as hinge and lock mortise cuts on doors. They are less useful when processing panel stock for products like cabinet boxes.


The general discussion that follows will be directed towards CNC routers but much of it can also be applied to point-to-points. Most first time small shop purchasers will be looking at CNC routers.


Machine movement systems

Once you know what type and size router to look for, you have to determine which of the two basic motion systems, “moving gantry” or “moving table” will serve you best.


The basic idea is to get the router bit moving around the table in relation to the material being cut. The bit is held in the spindle, which is attached to a vertical (typically referred to as the “z-axis”) transmission that moves up and down. This z-axis assembly is then attached to the gantry, which is a bridge like structure that usually (but not always) spans the narrower dimension of the router table. The z-axis transmission moves back and forth along the bridge, creating movement in the x-axis (or y-axis depending upon the router’s layout). You now have movement in two directions: up/down (z-axis) and left/right (typically the x-axis).  To accomplish movement in the third direction, front to back, the bridge and the table surface have to move in relationship to one another.


There are two ways to accomplish this movement: either move the bridge forward and back over the table surface or move the table back and forth under the bridge. The former is called “moving gantry” and the latter “moving table”. Small shops typically gravitate towards moving gantry machines because they take up less space and because there are few if any moving table machines to choose from in the light to medium duty CNC router category.  Super large multi-ton industrial machines use either movement system but are generally too massive and expensive for small shop operations. Since light to medium duty moving gantry machines generate smaller forces during rapid direction changes then comparable movements on the super weights, they are easier to design and engineer, helping to keep their cost down. However, even though these small shop machines may not weigh as much as their big brothers, don’t underestimate their capacity to do the big jobs. Many machines in this class are capable of running 24-7 with accuracy equal to that of the larger routers.


Drive mechanism

So how do you get the router to move all around, instantly changing direction while traveling at a high rate of speed? The answer is in one of two basic drive systems, either “rack and pinion” or “ball nut and lead screw”.


Rack and pinion is used on some gantry systems and is just what the name implies, a straight length of milled rack with teeth machined into its face and a mating pinion gear mounted on a motor driven shaft. The motor rotates the pinion, which then drives the gantry down the length of the rack.


There are two types of rack and pinion to consider. One has “straight” teeth cut at 90 degrees to the length of rack while the other, which is referred to as “helical”, has a helical grind to the teeth that is several degrees off of square. The helical variety is more expensive to manufacture but makes for greater accuracy.


The ball nut and lead screw drive mechanism is a bit more complex but not necessarily more accurate. It involves a long threaded rod that runs the length of the travel direction and a specialized nut mounted to the moving component. Either the threaded rod or the nut can be rotated, resulting in the machine component being drawn down the threaded rod. A spinning rod is simpler to build, but long spinning rods can develop whiplash, a negative feature that needs to be engineered back out of the system. As such spinning rods with fixed nuts are often used on short length axes while spinning ball nuts and fixed rods, a more difficult and expensive system to engineer, tend to be used on longer runs.


The result of all this in the world of mid-priced CNC routers is a compromise. Many companies design their routers with a rack and pinion drive on the long axis while using a fixed nut and spinning lead screw on the shorter axes. When looking at these machines pay attention to the grind style on the rack and pinion and the size and strength of the spinning threaded rods.


One last issue here is backlash compensation — a mechanical or computerized feature that takes the “slop” out of the drive mechanism as it changes direction. Consider your table saw blade-raising mechanism as an example. If the gears are clean and tight, the blade starts going up or down almost as soon as you reverse the handle’s rotation. If the gears are loose, you might turn the handle a quarter turn or so before engagement and blade reaction. Since neither rack and pinion nor nut and lead screw can accomplish a perfect mating of their interlocking surfaces, and since all parts do wear over time, automatic backlash compensation is designed into most systems to compensate for play in the drive components.


Steppers vs. servos

The last major piece of the drive system equation is the motor that turns the pinion, ball nut or lead screw. There are two types of motors used here: steppers and servos.


Stepper motors are less expensive but no less accurate. However, except for a few recent advances in stepper technology, servos are considered the preferred alternative as they incorporate an electrical feedback loop that keeps the computer continuously informed of the routers location. Steppers use a step counting method as they rotate, and can theoretically miss a step due to a physical or electronic glitch in the system. Since there is no information feedback loop, the computer does not know a step has been missed and subsequently the part can be cut wrong. This is a rare occurrence in a properly tuned system, so don’t feel as though you have to make the upgrade from steppers to servos.


The router spindle

Whereas many different cutting devices can be mounted on a CNC, the most common is of course a router, and it can range in size from a hand-held power tool to an industrial unit weighing 50 lbs. or more. 


Most base level machines have a single z-axis upon which to mount this router.   However, the addition of a second vertical axis offers greater convenience, allowing the use of two different tools or router bits without having to interrupt the cutting process to change bits. The only downside to this is that since the spindles are mounted next to each other, they effectively reduce the maximum cutting width of your machine, as both tools have to reach all points on the router table. Also, when a third bit or tool is needed for an operation you still have to bring the cutting process to a stop to make the changeover.


If a single or double spindle machine is adequate for your purposes, but the hand held routers sometimes installed on them lack adequate power for your operations, you can upgrade to industrial spindles. Basic spindles in this category still require bit changes like hand held routers but they are significantly more powerful. The trade off is that they typically require 3-phase power. However, the advantages are significant as they work with variable speed frequency drives, devices that allow you to use different spindle rpm speeds for cutting different materials. You should expect an upgrade cost on the order of $3,000 for a basic industrial spindle.


If you are going to consider a 3-phase spindle, then the optimal router upgrade would be to add an automatic tool changer. This single spindle setup allows you to keep your maximum table cutting width while gaining the convenience of fast and easy tool changes. Tool changing routers commonly have four or more rack mounted tool holders that the spindle can pick up as needed. Once you have installed bits in the tool holders, and registered their lengths on the machine, all you have to do is run your cutting file. When the file calls for a different bit the router spindle stops, traverses to the tool rack to drop off the current tool holder, proceeds to the location of the next tool holder, picks it up, comes up to speed and continues the cutting process.


Adding an automatic tool changing system can easily add $8,000 to $10,000 to the price tag though. Not only is the router spindle much more expensive, but a whole network of air lines, relays and solenoids have to be designed to make the system work. Further, there is an array of sensors and switches required to tell the computer, among many other things, when a tool holder is or is not mounted in the spindle. Then finally there is the additional computer programming required to operate this entire system.  Whether or not you add this cost to your purchase will depend upon the anticipated workload and how much more you are willing to invest up front. Tool changers can be added to machines down the road but it is a complex and expensive proposition, especially if the machine wasn’t prepared for this when manufactured.


Control system

All CNC routers need  a computerized system to control their motion.  Some use a basic PC while others use more elaborate devices such as  Fanuc Controllers. PC-based machines are typically controlled with a keyboard, mouse and sometimes a remote hand pad. Fanuc style controls have user panels with activation buttons, indicator lights and assorted other features. A very rough generalization would be that you will find PCs controlling the movement of routers costing under $100,000, and Fanuc style controls installed on machines from there up.


If you speak with people who have used one or the other of these control systems, they will typically say that theirs is fully functional, easy to operate and there is no reason to use any other system. I will add that even though PC controls are typically found on machines in the lower price category they present few, if any, limitations to CNC operation.


Electrical requirements

The electrical requirements of CNC routers vary widely based upon the overall size, weight and power of the system. Small tabletop units with hand held routers for spindles can often get by with a single 110-volt wall outlet, while the massive industrial machines can require 3-phase power up to 460 volts.


The typical small shop 4x8 router is somewhere in between, with the major defining factor being the spindle involved. Steppers and servos will usually be powered by 110 or 220 volt line inputs and as such don’t dictate the overall power requirements of the system.


If your router spindle runs on single phase power then you will only need a basic 110 or 220 volt properly sized power supply coming to the machine.   However, if you’ve chosen a 3-phase spindle, and you don’t have 3-phase power in your building, then you will need to generate that in house.   In discussions with people who have used rotary and static phase converters to generate 3-phase power for CNC routers I have heard of mixed results. If it is only the spindle that is being used on the 3-phase generated line there is a good chance the system will work. However, the computers and electronics in the rest of the CNC system can react erratically to the inconsistencies of a generated third leg, resulting in glitches in the CNC’s operation.


In my own shop I use a rotary phase converter to generate power for most of my 3-phase equipment. Since the control system on my CNC router uses 110v and 220v single-phase inputs, I only need 3-phase for the 10-hp spindle. To power this I use what is referred to as a “frequency drive” (or “inverter”). One of the nice things about frequency drives is that they are available with 3-phase and/or single-phase input options. So instead of my rotary phase converter generating the needed third leg, I send 220-volt single phase power directly to the frequency drive. It then generates the third leg in much the same way as a static converter. The bonus is that the frequency drive adds variable speed to the equation, allowing adjustment of the spindle speed to the optimal rpm for the job being run. The downside is that, as with a static converter, there is about a 30 percent loss of spindle power, but that can be overcome to a degree by using an oversized frequency drive.


Material hold down

No matter how sophisticated your CNC router, it will be brought to a standstill without adequate hold down force for your material. It’s pretty depressing to see a sheet of $100 veneered panel stock fly across the table and get ruined.


There are three basic ways to hold material on a CNC router: mechanical fasteners; full (or true) vacuum used in conjunction with vacuum pods and holding fixtures; and bleed board vacuum pulling down through a sheet of MDF.


Mechanical fastening can be accomplished with screws, nails (plastic nails and nail guns are available), T-posts, leverage bars and edge blocks — to mention just a few.

You can also buy or build a T-slot subsystem.  Used in conjunction with T-head bolts and thread on or quick release levers, these provide edge pressure on the material being cut, resulting in both solid hold down and quick parts change over.


 “True” vacuum systems offer a substantially different method for holding parts.  They use rotary vane or similarly designed vacuum pumps to pull typically 18” to 26” of mercury.  This creates enough force to hold the material in place. A good functional rotary vane pump size for an average CNC table would be in the 3 to 5 hp range, although I’ve used a pump as small as 3/4 hp on our system. It’s not so much the volume of air being pulled as the power of the pump to pull a strong vacuum. The higher the horsepower, the more air this type of pump will pull, but it is the design of the internal vanes that determines the strength of the vacuum.


This system uses vacuum pods or custom built fixtures to hold the parts.  The vacuum can get to these devices in different ways, some of which are included with a new router and others which can be purchased or made in the shop. We have custom made vacuum manifolds running down both sides our router table with valves that connect to 1/4” OD polyethylene tubing. The other ends of the tubes connect to our shop made oval vacuum pods that are screwed down to a table surface made of MDF.  This is a good marriage of the high-tech use of vacuum to hold the parts and the low-tech use of screws to hold the pods.


Another adaptable system involves a milled grid work (that you can purchase or make with the router) enclosed below a machined tabletop surface. All exposed faces and edges are sealed so that no air can leak in and a series of closeable ports are drilled or machined into the top surface. A vacuum is applied to the internal grid work and quick release fittings are inserted into open ports to access the vacuum. This type of system can be used with various gasket sealing configurations as well as with double sided pods and fixtures that use vacuum for holding the pod as well as the part. That is one way to take advantage of the vacuum contained within the grid work sandwich but setups are limited only by your creativity.


The most common hold down system you will see when you look at CNC routers is bleed board, or through vacuum.  It uses a similar internal vacuum grid work sandwich to that described above but with a regenerative blower instead of a rotary vane pump. These bleed board systems are often used for Nested Based Manufacturing, or more simply stated, the achievement of maximum yield of parts out of a sheet of panel stock. Whereas the pumps used for true vacuum are usually under 10 hp in size, regenerative blowers typically need to be 20 hp and larger. These pumps pull large volumes of air over large areas, but with lower pulling force than true vacuum pumps.


The holding power on these systems takes place through a spoil board, that is, a waste sheet of MDF.  The air pulled by the pump actually flows “through” the MDF, holding down the sheet of material placed on top of it.  The bit then cuts through the parts and just slightly into the spoil board.


While bleed board systems are better for cutting 4x8 panels, true vacuum systems are typically better for cutting small or irregularly shaped parts.  You can easily screw vacuum pods down on a panel cutting router, but would be a fairly involved and costly project to add a bleed board setup to a machine built for pods and fixtures.



The challenge of holding small parts


Whereas bleed board vacuum is an intriguing concept and is definitely the best hold down method for processing 4x8 sheets, the real creative juices start flowing when dealing with cutting small and irregular shapes. Router bits can excerpt a large amount of lateral force on the material being cut and getting small parts to remain solidly in place can be a challenge.


One way to deal with this is to nest a group of small parts on of a larger piece of wood. You can then hold that large blank on the CNC and program the cutting path to cut shy of the bottom. If you are using bleed board vacuum, this is called creating an “onion skin” on the bottom of your blank. This very thin layer of material will keep all the parts connected so the regenerative blower can continue to draw down on the entire bottom surface of the blank. After removal from the CNC you can separate the parts by hand and lightly sand away any remaining onion skin.


If you are using vacuum pods, you would have to leave a thicker bottom layer. You don’t want to risk running a bit down into the vacuum pods plus you need to maintain board strength. If you start with material that is 1/8” thicker then the final part, you can then leave a 1/8” uncut bottom surface, which is adequate for the application. Once off the CNC you can run the board through a planer or wide belt sander to remove the extra back thickness and free up the parts.


This same method will work for cutting a single small part out of a larger blank. At some point though you need to consider how much extra material is being wasted. A quick and easy alternative here is to mount a smaller wood blank onto a secondary spoil board that is somewhat larger then your part. You can screw up through the bottom of the spoil board into the bottom of your part, making sure the screws are clear of the router bit cutting path. This larger spoil board can then be held in place so the part can be cut.


Dust collection

Dust collection is an absolute necessity on a CNC router and it needs to be directed as close as possible to the cutting point. Most systems will use a flexible 4” diameter hose attached to a brush skirt surrounding the bit. This hose needs to be long, flexible and mounted in such a way that the router head can travel around the table without interference from the hose.


In my experience the best dust collection on a CNC router is limited in performance. The router bit is flinging dust and chips in all directions while suction is occurring at a fixed point, so expect to be cleaning chips and dust off your table after cutting. What the dust collector should do well though is pull in the fine dust that would otherwise end up in the air.


As to size and type of system, that would depend upon your router manufacturer’s recommendations and what you might already have in place. I run our CNC dust collection into the same shop wide system that collects from our table saw and sanders. It is only powered by a 3-hp motor but seems to work adequately for our 5x10 router.


There is a wide range of tooling that can be run on a CNC but you should first get a handle on basic straight cutting bits. There are straight flute bits, up cut spiral, down cut spiral and up/down compression spiral to name just a few, and most are available in either carbide or high-speed steel.


Your CAM software will allow you to set tool paths for nearly any shape bit you can buy or have made. You will probably be breaking some bits early on though, so start with simpler projects and less expensive bits.


A good tooling supplier will offer free technical support with experienced people readily available by phone. Some will even send a regional tech to your shop at no charge to help get you going with their bits.


And one final word of caution — large diameter tooling needs to be used carefully. Make sure you always understand the rpm limitations of bits and cutters. Spindle heads are fully exposed and a large diameter tool spinning beyond its rated capacity is dangerous. If your spindle is single speed, know what that speed is and don’t press the limits. If your spindle is variable speed, be sure to set it correctly for the bit being used.




Taking a look at used machines


There’s a potential bargain in buying used CNC machines. While this can be done successfully, there are a number of caveats.


• First, if you don’t already have CNC experience, bring along someone who does.


• Second, being mechanically inclined is somewhat more important here as you may be doing adjustments and repairs before becoming fully familiar with the machine.


•Third, determine the router’s condition, a potentially difficult proposition as many parts are hidden from view and there are a lot of electrical components.


• Fourth, make sure you understand what software is included and whether it will be useful in your application.


• Finally, make contact with the manufacturer prior to purchase to see how available they will be for service and assistance.





We have covered a lot of ground in this article and so I’ll try to make some concise suggestions to help bring it all together. First, do a thorough study of all necessary software. Be sure you end up with a package that will give you quick and efficient results. There are three different programs involved so make sure you end up with a complete package that works seamlessly from design to router interface.


Next is the CNC router itself. Before you shop know the size and type of machine you will be investigating. Moving gantry, moving table and machine size are all options to try and have worked out in advance. Also take a look at your electrical situation. Know what you have in place and the cost and availability of a 3-phase option in case you find that is a requirement for the machine you choose.


While researching your purchase review all the hold down choices. True vacuum using a rotary vane pump is less costly, but a regenerative blower system is what you’ll want if you are going to do panel processing. Mechanical hold down with screws and hardware is a start up option that can help keep initial costs down.


Dust collection may be tied into an existing system, or if that is not available, a relatively inexpensive stand alone two to three horsepower bag collector may do the job.


Tooling is usually left for last but there is no harm in educating yourself in advance. Look into issues such as rpm vs. feed rate, HSS vs. carbide and spiral vs. straight flute cutters. Nothing beats hands on experience, but previewing tool technology before hand will be helpful in the long run.


So which CNC router do you purchase? The single biggest determining factor will be cost. There are entry-level machines for under $10,000 that are good quality and can be used productively over the long haul. They can even be built up with add-ons such as vacuum hold down and tool changers.


Then there are the mid-priced machines in the $10,000 to $50,000 range. There is a wide variety of choices here and you will find everything from rail and gantry kits to full blown turn key systems. If you have good mechanical ability, and some extra time, you can save quite a bit by purchasing a router in kit form. Things like spindles, bases and hold down systems are often optional, providing the opportunity for additional savings.


Next are the mid to high end machines in the $50,000 to $100,000 range. When looking at these you’ll be seeing complete systems including hold down zones, servo motors and typically PC controls. These machines will range from the biggest and best the mid-size machine manufacturers have to offer up to the lower end machines of the heavy industrial lines.


Then there are the large industrial machines that can weigh in excess of several thousand pounds. These typically cost $100,000 or more and need lots of floor space. Your money here is buying a lot of steel and many more features than can be discussed in an introductory article. If you are running a large operation, or have a specific requirement fulfilled by a machine in this class, these can be worth the investment.


So, should you go the CNC route? Since you have read through this article you are likely considering a purchase. Remember this though, whereas a CNC router will do many things well, it is not the best tool for everything. You can rip a board to width on a CNC router but that can be done much more quickly on a table saw. On the other hand though, the capabilities of a CNC router are limited only by your creativity.